May 12, 2008

Award-winning artwork!

I found this website a while back called Worth1000. The site simultaneously runs a number of themed Photoshop contests and has been featured in media like PC Magazine, Good Morning America, BBC, CNN, New York Times, and USA Today.

I submitted my first entry last week in a themed contest asking for silhouette images and made this one from the underside of a leaf with the silhouette of a frog shining through. It was my first entry, and won an award!

I entered another one this morning that asked for a combination of two classic paintings. I took the popular painting American Gothic, swapped out the farmer's wife for Mona Lisa, and placed some of Cezanne's still life fruit and van Goh's ear on the farmer's pitchfork. We'll see how this one does!

**UPDATE** This one finished in the Top 10 and was selected as a judges "Top Pick!"